西门子: 中国代理商
德国: 模块代理商
西门子: 授权一级代理商
报价: 面议
最小起订: 1
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2025-03-06 11:30
浏览次数: 0
手机号: 17621653310
电话: 17621653310





   本公司经销合信/CO-TRUST科思创西门子PLC;S7-200S7-300 S7-400 S7-1200 触摸屏,变频器,6FC,6SNS120 V10 V60 V80伺服数控备件:原装进口电机,电线,电缆,希望能跟您有更多的合作机会




The connectivity layer is the central location for signal interconnections of external devices and systems that exchange process data with SIMATIC PCS neo via a so-called open communication protocol. Initially, it is not important which protocol is used in this case. The new engineering concept in PCS neo has been designed so that data exchange can take place independent of the protocol, process engineering and hardware. This concept is based on the signal assignment for signals that are usually connected via the SIMATIC S7-410 CPU I/O.

The following advantages result:
  • Process engineering is independent of the protocol in the e hierarchy. A new internal element, the Connectivity resource or CNYResource, has been introduced for this. The element is assigned in the respective EQH folder and represents the interface between hardware and process.

  • Independent hardware engineering

  • The option to change the communication protocol retroactively.

The following protocols are supported:
  • OPC UA client on the PCS neo M&C server as communication carrier

  • IEC client on the PCS neo M&C server as communication carrier

  • OPC UA client and Modbus TCP client on the SIMATIC CN 4100 as communication carrier

  • TCPCon as communication between SIMATIC PCS neo controller and SIMATIC CN 4100

In future versions of PCS neo, additional protocols will be added that are implemented in the connectivity layer using the same principle

The following functions are supported:
  • Creation of CNYResources

  • Deletion of CNYResources

  • Assignment of a communication protocol

  • Assignment of a communication carrier (information on where the protocol is running)

  • Changing the view, organized either by protocols or by communication carriers

  • Definition of the communication addresses

  • Definition of the address names (optional)

  • import of communication addresses

  • Option of automatic assignment of process signals to communication addresses

The following limitations must be observed with PCS neo V5.0:
  • Modbus TCP client/server protocol as block library for the S7-410 and S7-4100 CPU is currently not supported by the connectivity layer. Configuration is still possible in the e hierarchy via CFC

  • COM as block library for the S7-410 and S7-4100 CPUs is currently not supported by the connectivity layer. Configuration is still possible in the e hierarchy via CFC

  • PCS neo M&C OPC UA server is currently not supported by the connectivity layer. Configuration is still implemented in the e hierarchy

  • only PCS neo M&C server and SIMATIC CN 4100 are currently supported as communication carrier

  • 地址:上海市松江区石湖荡镇塔汇路755弄29号1幢一层A区213室
  • 电话:17621653310
  • 邮件:1013283296@qq.com
  • 手机:17621653310
  • 联系人:颜经理