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发布时间: 2025-03-03 07:04
浏览次数: 2
手机号: 17621653310
电话: 17621653310





   本公司经销合信/CO-TRUST科思创西门子PLC;S7-200S7-300 S7-400 S7-1200 触摸屏,变频器,6FC,6SNS120 V10 V60 V80伺服数控备件:原装进口电机,电线,电缆,希望能跟您有更多的合作机会

我公司经营西门子全新原装现货PLC;S7-200S7-300 S7-400 S7-1200 触摸屏,变频器,6FC,6SNS120 V10 V60 V80伺服数控备件:原装进口电机(1LA7、1LG4、1LA9、1LE1),国产电机(1LG0,1LE0)大型电机(1LA8,1LA4,1PQ8)伺服电机(1PH,1PM,1FT,1FK,1FS)西门子保内全新原装产品‘质保一年。一年内因产品质量问题免费更换新产品;不收取任何费。欢迎致电咨询。



The Operator System of the SIMATIC PCS 7 process control system allows easy and safe control of the process by the operating personnel. The operator can observe the process sequence by means of various views and intervene to control the system when necessary.

The operator system architecture is extremely variable and can be flexibly adapted to different plant architectures and customer re.

The basis is perfectly coordinated operator stations for single-user systems (OS single stations) and for multi-user systems with client/server architecture.

The system software of the operator stations can be expanded by cumulative SIMATIC PCS 7 OS Runtime licenses for 100, 1 000 and 5 000 process objects (PO) up to the following configuration limits:

  • 8 500 PO per OS single station

  • 12 000 POs per OS server (with client/server architecture)


  • High-performance operator stations based on versatile, robust SIMATIC Process Control System IPC, optimized for use in Industrial environments

  • Flexible, modular architecture with scalable hardware and software components for

    • Single-user systems (OS single stations) with up to 8 500 process objects

    • Flat system configurations based on a redundant OS single station pairs, expandable with reference stations on up to 8 OS single stations

    • Client/server multi-user systems with up to 18 OS servers/server pairs for 12 000 process objects (PO) each and up to 40 OS clients

  • High-performance archiving system based on Microsoft SQL Server with circular archives and integrated archive backup, optionally expandable through long-term archiving with the Process Historian

  • Self-diagnostics of important OS server applications

  • Copying of modifications without interfering with ongoing operation and online testing by selectively loading redundant servers

  • Optimized AS/OS communication:
    Data transmission only following change in data, independent of AS reply cycle; suppression of flutter messages

  • User-friendly process control and high operational reliability with support of multi-screen technology

  • Extended status displays through combination of status/analog values with alarm information

  • Highly effective alarm management provides support for operating personnel

    • Assignment of priorities with up to 16 message priorities as additional attribute to the message classes

    • Visual and acoustic suppression of messages that are irrelevant depending on the operating status (dynamic or manual)

    • Suppression of sensor/actuator alarms during commissioning or in case of malfunction

  • Central user administration with access control and electronic signature

  • Sign-of-life monitoring for lower-level systems connected to the plant bus

  • System-wide time synchronization based on UTC (Universal Time Coordinated)


All operator stations are based on modern SIMATIC Process Control System IPCs optimized for use as OS single station, OS client or OS server. The SIMATIC Process Control System IPCs are suitable for use in harsh industrial environments and are characterized by powerful industrial PC technology combined with a Windows Desktop operating system (Windows 10 2019/2021 LTSC) or a Windows Server operating system (Windows Server 2019/2022) from Microsoft. Standard components and interfaces from the PC world offer generous scope for system-, customer- or sector-specific options and expansions.

The operating system and the following ES/OS software of the SIMATIC PCS 7 process control system are preinstalled:

  • Single station: PCS 7 Engineering Software for AS/OS including OS Runtime software

  • Server: PCS 7 OS Software Server

  • Client: PCS 7 OS Software Client

You only need the corresponding software licenses in order to use the preinstalled SIMATIC PCS 7 software.

Depending on the customer's particular re, you can equip an OS single station, OS server or OS client with optional hardware components, such as:

  • Hardware and software components for redundant operation

  • Smart card reader for access protection

  • Multi-monitor graphics card for operation of up to 4 process monitors

  • Process monitors for office and industrial environments

See section "Industrial Workstation/IPC" for ordering data and detailed information on the scope of supply and technology of the SIMATIC Process Control System IPC as well as available options/expansions.

Single-user system (OS single station)

In a single station system architecture, all operation and monitoring functions for a complete project (plant/unit) are concentrated in one station.

This OS single station can be operated on the plant bus together with other single-user systems or parallel to a multi-user system. Redundant operation of two OS single stations (SIMATIC PCS 7 Single Station Redundancy) and their expansion with reference stations into a flat system configuration with up to 8 OS single stations is also possible.


Example of a flat system architecture

Depending on the version (IE or BCE), the OS single station can be connected to the Industrial Ethernet plant bus via one of the following network components:

  • IE: CP 1623 communications module (preinstalled in SIMATIC PCS 7 Industrial Workstation) for communication with max. 64 automation systems

  • BCE: Standard Ethernet network adapter ( Mbps) and Basic Communication Ethernet for communication with up to 8 automation systems (no redundancy stations)

Two  Mbps Ethernet RJ45 ports are always integrated onboard for use as desired.

The OS engineering is located as standard in a separate engineering system.

Multi-user system with client/server architecture


Example of multi-user system

A multi-user system consists of operator stations (OS clients) which receive data (project data, process values, archive data, alarms and messages) from one or more OS servers over a terminal bus. The terminal bus can share the transmission medium with the plant bus or it can be designed as a separate bus (Industrial Ethernet with TCP/IP).

In this architecture, redundant OS Servers may be set up to meet higher availability re. Critical applications running on the OS Server are monitored by Health Check for software faults that may trigger redundancy failover. Synchronization of the redundant OS Servers takes place automatically and at high speed.

OS Clients can access the data of not only one OS Server/server pair, but from several OS Servers/pairs of servers simultaneously (multi-client mode). This makes it possible to divide a plant into technological units and to distribute the data accordingly to several OS servers/pairs of servers. In addition to scalability, the advantage of distributed systems is the ability to decouple plant units from each other, which results in higher availability.

The OS Servers are designed in addition with client functions which permit them to access the data (archives, messages, tags, variables) from the other OS Servers of the multi-user system. This means that process displays on one OS Server can also be linked with variables on other OS Servers (area-independent displays).

Like the OS single stations, OS servers can be connected to the Industrial Ethernet plant bus using one of the following network components:

Two  Mbps Ethernet RJ45 ports onboard can be used to connect to the terminal bus.

Data archiving

The OS single stations and OS servers already include a high-performance archiving system, configurable in runtime, based on Microsoft SQL Server with circular archives for short-term archiving of process values (typically for 1 to 4 weeks) and messages/events (typically for 2 months). This may be combined with an external data archiving system for long-term data storage. The Process Historian offered in the section "Process data archiving and reporting" is available for this purpose.

The archive data can be saved on all memory media supported by the operating system, for example on a NAS drive.



OS tag

An OS tag or parameter is a defined memory location required for operator control and monitoring with the Operator System; values can be written into it and read from it (e.g. setpoint, actual value etc.).

Process object (PO)

A process object (PO) is synonymous with a block that can be operated and monitored. A PO usually has several OS tags (which can be operated and monitored). The number of OS tags differs depending on the block type. For example, motors or valves require fewer tags than closed-loop controls or dosing units.


Licensing and license verification of the OS software for SIMATIC PCS 7 are based on the process objects.

Every block fulfilling the following criteria is counted and calculated as a PO:

  • The block is not a driver block.

  • The block can be operated and monitored.

  • This block can handle messages.

The license verification also takes into account the sum of all OS tags used.

OS framework

Max. number of OS single stations


Max. number of OS servers/pairs of servers


Max. number of automation systems per OS server/pair of servers


Max. number of OS clients in multi-client mode1) per multi-user system


Max. number of monitors per operator station with multi-channel operation


Max. number of OS areas


Max. number of windows per monitor

1 to 16 (adjustable)

Number of trends per trend window


Selection time for OS area display (100 process symbols)

< 2 s

Max. number of configurable messages per server

200 000

Max. number of configurable process objects

Approx. 216 000

Max. number of configurable process tags

Approx. 128 0002)

Integral high-performance archive system

(circular buffer), based on Microsoft SQL server, for:

  • Process value archiving (per OS server/single station)

Approx. 1 500/s

  • Message archiving (per OS server/single station)

Permanent load approx. 10/s

Reporting surge approx. 3 000 / 4 s

  • 地址:上海市松江区石湖荡镇塔汇路755弄29号1幢一层A区213室
  • 电话:17621653310
  • 邮件:1013283296@qq.com
  • 手机:17621653310
  • 联系人:颜经理